Genesee & Wyoming Railroad Bridge Inspections

Benesch performed extensive steel bridge inspections and ratings for various bridge types across the Genessee & Wyoming Railroad’s (GWRSI) Northeast, Central and Coastal Regions. This multi-year contract requires extensive coordination to ensure all inspections of the nearly 800 bridges and 18 rail lines are completed as scheduled, and ratings calculations are delivered on time. Bridge types include rolled beam, deck plate girder, through plate girder, truss spans, steel towers and movable spans.
Due to the lack of GWRSI’s existing bridge plans, Benesch provides detailed inspections and bridge drawings for all spans being rated. Ratings take into consideration all steel elements and their associated modes of failure. All inspections and ratings are completed according to the Finite Element Analysis requirements. This project requires extensive coordination to ensure rail activity is not significantly impacted, all inspections are completed as scheduled, and rating calculations are delivered to GWRSI on time.