Benesch Chairman Emeritus receives Highest SAVE International Award

CHICAGO, IL—Muthiah Kasi, PE, SE, CVS (life), FSAVE, was honored with the Lawrence D. Miles Founders Award from SAVE International Engineering at their conference in June. Kasi has been a member of SAVE International since 1978, and over the years has served the organization through various roles including the Director of CVS Recertification Committee; Controller and Director of Standards for the National Office; and Secretary and President for the Chicago Metropolitan Chapter of SAVE. He has conducted over 300 VE studies, and regularly teaches SAVE certified, Module I and II workshops internally for Benesch as well as externally for clients. Additionally, Kasi has written numerous articles and case studies, authored books and developed industry standards on the application of Value Methodology.
This award is presented to individuals who have achieved an extremely high caliber of career accomplishments, and are nationally recognized for having created widely adopted industry advancements. This award has only been given out nine times since it was created, making Kasi the 10th person to ever receive it.