E-470 Widening Project Reaches Major Milestone

Projects | June 12, 2023


A photo of a crane placing beam in bridge for E-470

AURORA, CO – The widening of E-470 in Colorado reached a major milestone with the installation of 32 girders for the new 38th Avenue Bridge. This effort is a part of a larger project to build more capacity on E-470 by adding a third travel lane in each direction and constructing several new interchanges.

“With the installation of these girders, we made great progress on the new 38th Avenue interchange that will increase connectivity for the surrounding neighborhoods,” said Project Manager James Newberry. “Currently, only two ramps on the northbound side at 38th Ave. give the Aurora Highlands – a 12,500 home, 4,000-acre master planned community – access to E-470. Construction of this interchange will provide much-needed, new on- and off- ramps to E-470.”

Benesch is providing construction management, inspection and materials testing services for 11 miles of roadway between I-70 and 104th Avenue. In addition to the widening and new interchanges, the project includes signal and tolling system upgrades, installation of new ITS components, drainage improvements, a new regional multi-use trail and paving of the roadway to provide a smoother ride. Construction began in 2022 and the project is projected to be complete by 2025.

A photo of construction workers on construction site E-470 A photo of crane holding beam and construction workers guiding it at E-470 construction site

This is the second E-470 widening project that Benesch has been a part of, having previously provided construction management services for the widening the roadway 6.5 miles south of this project. Both projects are in support of growth throughout the region resulting in increased ridership along the E-470 corridor.