Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area Plan Update

The Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) engaged Benesch to update its Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area Plan, a guiding document for revitalizing the area over a 30-year period.
The process identified issues and opportunities to shape a community vision and character for the area, capitalize on its assets and location, guide investments to stimulate redevelopment, improve quality of life and stimulate economic vitality.
The CRA area was in transition between urban and suburban development with opportunities to pilot new urban, walkable and multi-modal development patterns. An opportunity existed for arts and culture focus for vision, development type and public realm design of area. Connecting to local destinations such as neighboring County parks provided quality of life improvements for community and economic development opportunities based on tourism.
There was a need to stimulate redevelopment while managing use transitions, differences in densities/ intensities and affordability. Infrastructure and built environment were needed to account for natural environmental conditions, including wetland and flood-prone areas. Additionally, opportunities existed to coordinate with other entities, such as local Municipal Service Taxing Units (MSTUs) to fund and implement projects.
A framework of goals, objectives and strategies to address key redevelopment themes were developed, in addition to a program of capital and non-capital improvements with associated funding. Recommendations related to specific sub-areas within CRA, including catalyst redevelopment sites and recommendations focused on Land Development Code to better facilitate future infill and redevelopment, were developed as well.