Merritt Parkway (Route 15) VE Study
This Value Engineering (VE) study involved the resurfacing of Merritt Parkway (Route 15) in both directions, as well as various safety improvements from the Newtown Turnpike in Westport (log mile 20.24) to approximately 130 feet south of Congress Street in Fairfield (log mile 25.19), for a total length of 4.95 miles. The project abuts the completed State Project No. 050-0204 & 144-0180 in Fairfield and Trumbull.
The team studied the As Given elements and developed proposals for six alternatives. One As Given alternate was validated. A presentation was made to the client, and a VE Report was submitted.
The VE Study was performed under Benesch’s five-year task-based services contract to provide constructability reviews, value engineering analysis, and other related tasks associated with improving the quality of contract documents as part of the Department’s Quality Assurance initiative.