Cordell Hull State Office Building
The Cordell building is a unique Art Deco designed building built in the 1950s. Due to the growing need for more space and updates, the building was under consideration for demolition. However, after a petition from preservationists and a study by Centric Architecture suggesting it would cost more to demolish than to refurbish, it was slated for renovations.
Due to the sensitive and historical structures located within the project site, a special monitoring program was put in place. The monitoring program considered structures such as the tomb of President James K. Polk, an underground steam tunnel, the Cordell Hull building and the Tennessee State Capitol.
Located in a highly visible and heavily populated metropolitan area, the need for increased efficient parking was critical. Benesch attained the permits necessary for the demolition and mass excavation of the Central Services Building in preparation for the new three-floor parking garage and eight by 12, 430 linear foot pedestrian tunnel.
Benesch played an active role serving as a resource to the design team during the construction of the Central Services Garage and the development of the surrounding site and State Capitol campus. Benesch was also responsible for the geotech exploration/report for the tunnel connecting to Cordell Hull.