Pinellas Park Comprehensive Plan Update

The City of Pinellas Park contracted with Benesch to update its Comprehensive Plan, including a first phase of amendments for consistency with countywide rules.
The second phase focuses on extensive public and stakeholder outreach to develop a vision that will guide updates to the policy framework, preliminary themes identified to address through the update include support for the City’s Community Redevelopment Area planning efforts, improving local transportation connectivity in view of the strong presence of regional roadways in the City and promotion of economic development with consideration of the City’s sizable industrial base.
This project required an understanding of unique Pinellas County context with county-wide planning rules, the relationship between regional and local development, transportation and coordination and how that influences the local planning efforts, and experience with variety of outreach and analytical techniques to inform Comprehensive Plan policies.
The City has a sizable redevelopment area that can serve as focal point for development, excellent regional access due to regional roadway network within its boundaries, which can support economic development efforts and connections to employment centers, and unique rural and residential area at center that adds diversity to the City along with corridor commercial and industrial uses.