R2CTPO 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan
Benesch developed the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for the River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization (TPO). The River to Sea Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) is situated on the east coast of Florida and contains over 1,400 square miles. The MPA includes Volusia County, Beverly Beach, Flagler Beach, portions of Palm Coast, Bunnell, and as well as unincorporated Flagler County.
This federally required document developed the long-range cost-feasible project list. Supporting analyses included the Congestion Management Process, Environmental Justice, Revenue Forecast, the development of Vision, Goals and Performance Measures, travel demand modeling, needs analysis, and development of a feasible projects list. The project required extensive coordination with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and local governments and agencies; monthly presentations to five standing TPO committees and Board; and public outreach, including public meetings, one-on-one stakeholder interviews, charrettes and community presentations.
Development of the LRTP was much more than a federal mandate but rather an opportunity to develop a coordinated, long-range approach for planning an effective transportation system. It was a lengthy and complex process that involved a variety of technical analyses and included significant input from the public and partner governments. The 2040 LRTP outlined a strategic approach for developing a comprehensive system of transportation options and provided an opportunity to:
- Take stock of current resources and system limitations;
- Reach out to partner organizations, the business community and the public to identify future challenges and opportunities;
- Define the collective plans and desires for the future; and
- Prioritize efforts and seek opportunities for a cohesive development strategy.