Lincoln South Beltway Toured by ACEC President

LINCOLN, NE – The nearly complete Lincoln South Beltway, one of the largest projects ever undertaken by the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT), was visited last week by American Council of Engineering Companies National President & CEO, Linda Bauer Darr. As incoming ACEC Nebraska president and project manager, Benesch’s Tony Dirks joined NDOT and ACEC-NE representatives to lead Darr on a tour of the $325 million project that will provide a new east-west connection between US Highway 77 and Nebraska Highway 2.
“It was an honor to welcome Linda and other members of ACEC to the state and show them the work that is being done on the Lincoln South Beltway,” said Dirks. “This project is going to be transformative for the region, and I’m proud to share what Benesch, NDOT, the City of Lincoln, Lancaster County and FHWA have been collaborating on since the mid-1990s.”
Design on the project was expedited and construction activity began at the site in May 2020. While some areas of the Beltway are already open to traffic, the Beltway will be substantially complete and open to most traffic May 1, 2023, which is essentially half the time it would have taken with more traditional delivery.
Following the tour, NDOT and Benesch personnel that were integral to the project gathered on the largest Beltway bridge, “the flyover”, for a reception celebrating the project.
Read more about the Lincoln South Beltway here and check out photos and a video from the tour below.