Mill Dam Breach & Stream Restoration

Mill Dam was constructed in 1937 on the Wernersville State Hospital property and was listed as a Category 1 “high hazard” Stone Masonry Dam. The dam had been operated in a full drawdown condition for over 25 years. Even in a drawdown state, there were occasions when the storm inflow temporarily filled the reservoir and overtopped the dam, causing property damage at the facility.
The Pennsylvania Department of General Services created a project for the removal of the dam and improvements to the flow of the stream channel.
Benesch provided the dam breach design and permitting, survey of 3,500 LF of stream channel, along with stream investigation and stream restoration design including H&H analysis, geotechnical and wetlands. The stream maintenance consisted of removing sediment and restoring stream banks in the immediate area of Mill Dam. The project also involved the removal of a bridge and channel design.
The property was identified by the State Historical Preservation Office as a site with historical value. Benesch assisted with developing the Memorandum of Agreement to meet Federal Clean Water Act Section 404 requirements.
The project required significant coordination with the Army Corp of Engineering, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Berks County Conservation District, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Pennsylvania Department of General Services, Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, South Heidelberg Township and local interested residents. Benesch also provided contract and construction administrative services for the project.