Technical Consultant for Water Systems

The City of Romulus experienced high water usage over an extended period of time which prompted them to retain a consultant for leak detection.
Benesch performed 1,272,480 linear feet of leak detection on the City of Romulus water distribution system using acoustic equipment. The acoustic equipment enables a technician to listen for leak noise using appurtenances directly connected to water mains such as fire hydrants and line valves.
Approximately 241 miles of water main was sounded between July and November. Three leaks on water mains and three leaks on larger-diameter commercial water services were confirmed. Sounded leaks were further investigated with correlating equipment that narrowed down the location of the leak to within 5 to 10 feet of the leak sound. A noticeable reduction in water usage was observed on WAMR after the leaks were repaired.
Follow-up leak detection in the areas where valves were buried; could not be located; could not be accessed, or; wells were full of debris, occurred after maintenance staff addressed the various issues.
In addition to sounding for leaks, any differences between field observations and information shown on existing maps were noted. All leak and map correction data was collected using a hand held GPS unit and all data was provided to the city in digital format. Benesch also incorporated map corrections into the City’s GIS data set.