Blosser Municipal Airport Master Plan Update & Facility Upgrades

To accommodate growing economic development demands on the Blosser Municipal Airport, the City of Concordia was in need of an updated airport master plan.
The master plan update involved evaluating existing airport operations and facilities, as well as developing an inventory of existing conditions for the airport, city and county. As part of the process, Benesch forecasted future aviation activity by quantity and type and outlined facility requirements based on current and future airfield capacity levels.
Benesch also provided airport alternatives, as determined by current and future facility requirements, an airport layout plan and a capital improvement plan to assist in implementing the recommendations. The team also developed a sample zoning ordinance which the city could choose to adopt.
Benesch also led the planning and organization of an Airport Community Day, at which the public were invited to see a presentation about the existing airport, the new master plan and the airport’s potential future.
Since completing the master plan, Benesch has provided additional services on behalf of the airport, including:
- NEPA Phase I Environmental Assessment (EA) to obtain land acquisition for the construction of a new Runway 18/36.
- Mill and overlay of Runway 17/35, along with a new primary taxiway connecting the runway to the apron area.
- Design of new Runway 18/36, which included of a shifted runway, utilization of the old runway pavement as a parallel taxiway with extension, taxiway connectors, subsurface edge drain system, airfield storm drainage, lighting & electrical vault upgrades, PAPIs, REILs, relocation of the primary wind cone, and pavement markings.