Kearney Regional Airport Terminal Parking & Access Road

Benesch’s aviation design team was tasked with developing an easy-to-navigate road/parking lot system for Kearney Regional Airport visitors.
Several parking lot and access road layout options were developed to provide airport users continual access to the terminal building and vehicle parking adjacent to the terminal building. The selected access road created a looped drop-off road system around the perimeter, with automobile parking throughout the inside of the looped access road. This design accommodated garbage truck and fire truck turning movements and implemented overhead lighting design to enhance nighttime safety for airport users.
The Terminal Parking Lot Rehabilitation project consisted of the removal of all existing access road and parking lot pavements and reworking the top foot of existing subgrade soils. The project presented several challenges due to existing shallow utilities that serve the terminal building. Construction activities had to commence so that utilities could remain operational and not disrupt business or security features associated with the terminal building.
New parking lot infrastructure resulting from the project created over 130 new parking stalls which are currently utilized by passengers, car rental services and airport staff. The parking lot was designed to accommodate a future expansion when user demands warrant additional capacity.