Citywide NBIS Bridge Inspections

DuPage County Division of Transportation | St. Charles, IL
bridge inspection

Benesch performed National Bridge Inspection Standards initial, routine and special bridge inspections of bridges in DuPage County and prepared detailed inspection reports with findings, recommendations and colored photographs. The project team’s work also included modifications to Illinois Department of Transportation standard S-105, S-111 and S-114 reports.

For the bridges over the railroads, extensive coordination was required with BNSF, Metra, Union Pacific Railroad and Canadian National Railway to obtain right-of-entry permits and railroad flaggers to inspect the deck underside, girders, bearings and piers.

Several bridges required PPC deck beam sounding to assess the extent of deterioration. A Benesch-owned raft was used to access multi-span bridges over creeks and rivers with high water elevations. The project also included inspection of the county’s numerous pedestrian and trail bridges.

Practice Areas
