Highway 21 Sportsplex

Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department | Charlotte, NC

Once used as a borrow pit for the adjacent landfill, the Highway 521 Sportsplex is a 119-acre community athletic complex. Benesch worked with the Mecklenburg County Real Estate Services Department, Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department, County Solid Waste Department, and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Board of Education in a collaborative effort to plan, design, permit, bid, and manage construction not only for this sports complex, but also for the adjacent school and road improvements.

The multi-sports fields are equipped with state-of-the-art sports lighting, irrigation, and hardscape. They are fully sized to accommodate competitive tournament play and are engineered synthetic turf with a sub-drainage system to drain fields quickly after rain events. The multi-sports fields have game markings for soccer and lacrosse. Additionally, the fields were designed to accommodate play with either a north-to-south or east-to-west orientation.