Volusia County Schools Impact Fee Update Studies

Benesch has been providing school impact fee services to Volusia County Schools for several years. In addition, we updated Volusia County’s transportation, parks and recreation, and fire impact fees, and developed an EMS impact fee. Benesch recently completed the last set of studies for all service areas.
Benesch incorporated our knowledge of various impact fee methodologies and legal requirements. Litigation on the District’s prior impact fee, which was updated in 1992, emphasized the need for a technically sound and defensible impact fee that would be acceptable to all parties involved.
Using GIS and database capabilities, we reviewed student generation rates by area and by age of home to gain an understanding of student generation trends and the generation of newer homes. In addition, we analyzed construction costs and credit trends.
Benesch provided an update that addressed the requirements of recently approved HB 337 and developed a report establishing extraordinary circumstances. We provided fee variation options for the School Board’s consideration. Upon completion of the study, the fees were successfully adopted.