24th Street Complete Streets

City of Omaha | Omaha, NE
corridor reconstruction

With a high rate of vehicular crashes and increasing pedestrian and bicycle traffic, 24th Street was a prime candidate for Complete Streets enhancement. To improve safety, enhance pedestrian accommodations and optimize traffic operations, the City of Omaha selected Benesch to provide analysis, planning, public outreach, design and construction engineering for this three-mile corridor improvement.

Our corridor analysis captured comprehensive traffic volume data for all roadway users (automobiles, bicycles, buses and pedestrians) in order to identify potential roadway widths and configurations that would accommodate the necessary enhancements. Guided by the project’s National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document, the Benesch Team considered a variety of impacts to the physical, cultural and socio-economic environment within the corridor during this phase of the project.

The final solution transformed the corridor from four lanes to three with a shared center left-turn lane, in addition to new bike lanes and better pedestrian accommodations. The project also included new curb ramps, improved storm sewer and curb inlets, and updated traffic signals. Besides phasing the work to maintain traffic and provide access to the numerous businesses and residences, the project was closely coordinated with the Nebraska Department of Transportation’s 24th Street bridge over I-80 rehabilitation, also designed by Benesch.

Practice Areas


  • 2022, Honor Award, American Council of Engineering Companies - Nebraska
