Citywide Resurfacing & ADA Compliance Program

Benesch provides construction engineering, technical consultation, project management, construction administration, construction observation, materials testing, and public information and outreach services for the City of Omaha’s Annual Resurfacing Program, totaling between $8-$15 million dollars annually.
The work performed includes milling and removals, asphalt leveling and surfacing, and utility adjustments on arterial, collector, and residential streets throughout the City. The Program also addresses curb and inlet top repair and ADA Compliance on the resurfaced street segments. Benesch staff field engineers the majority of improvements consistent with project specifications and applicable federal standards.
Benesch utilizes its expertise in asphalt technology and ADA compliance to assist the City in adapting project requirements to meet current standards and requirements. We also assisted the City with implementing A+B bidding processes for time-critical project delivery. Additional services included the development of a City-wide Public Works Department Asset Management Plan, topographic surveying and construction staking, and concrete pavement repair.
Our team has served the City on over 80 projects involving the construction of over 500 lane miles of resurfacing and over 7,000 ADA-compliant curb ramps. Projects were locally or federally funded, including some advanced construction federal funding.