SR 93

Benesch provided preliminary and final design for traffic improvements along a 3.5-mile section of SR 93 in downtown Hazleton, PA. The project aimed to improve traffic flow and safety for both the traveling public and pedestrians and to create a uniform corridor aesthetically pleasing to the public.
Traffic improvements included roadway widening, the addition of turning lanes, traffic signal modifications and upgrades to LED indicators, and paving. Other safety improvements included removing the SR 93 roadway bifurcation at the SR 3017 intersection, geometric improvements to a hospital intersection and a two-way center left turn lane from the hospital to SR 424.
Pedestrian safety improvements included the replacement of curbs and sidewalks, including bulb-outs at intersections and electronic speed control signs to help deter speeding. Other safety improvements included LED traffic signal indications, talking pedestrian push buttons, stamped crosswalks with optional illumination, and emergency vehicle pre-emption. Decorative streetscape features, including trees, lighting, and mast arms, were also incorporated into the project.