Apex ADA Transition Plan

Benesch led a comprehensive ADA Transition Plan for the Town of Apex, North Carolina. The assessment included 16 facilities, ten parks, 183 miles of sidewalk, 8 miles of greenways, curb ramps, crosswalks, intersections, a website review and a policy and procedures review. In Addition, Benesch provided ADA training for Town staff, public surveys and significant citizen involvement efforts geared toward creating a holistic ADA Transition Plan.
Data was collected using a custom data collection app, exported to a secure database, and evaluated to formulate ADA violations and recommendations consistent with ADA standards. Based on industry standards, cost estimates were developed and used to prioritize the violations. All information was used to create a report for each accessibility violation, which was used to assist the Town in achieving full compliance. A detailed field survey at each facility was performed and individual facility assessment reports were created.
Preliminary cost estimates to mitigate the barriers to accessibility and a prioritization scheme were created. All information was compiled to create a comprehensive summary for the assessed facilities, individual assessment reports and images to increase understanding of ADA standards.