Antelope Valley
The City of Lincoln, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and the Lower Platte South Natural Resources District selected Benesch to provide geotechnical services for one of Lincoln’s largest re-development projects in the heart of Lincoln. The project included six miles of roads, two miles of creek channel improvements, 12 street bridges, three rail bridges and three pedestrian bridges.
Benesch provided geotechnical investigation, laboratory testing, foundation recommendations, materials testing and geotechnical consultation during construction for driven piles and Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining walls for the new bridges that range from 150-foot-long, single-span concrete structures to 1,091-foot-long multiple span structures crossing BNSF rail line. Some of the MSE retaining walls measured 40 feet high in areas.
Benesch also provided construction observation and testing services for concrete, soils and new bridges. This work has reduced flooding in Lincoln’s core, beautified a swath of the City’s center and improved traffic around the University.