Countywide ADA Consulting Services

Arapahoe County | Arapahoe County, CO

After discovering missing information from inspections performed by previous consultants, Arapahoe County selected Benesch to assist with the evaluation of nearly 1,000 curb ramps throughout the County. Benesch assisted with performing a gap analysis of the database and then performed the field evaluations. Data was collected using the Mobile Inspector software application and uploaded in real-time to the County’s GIS database.

Benesch also assisted with review and updating of existing standards to meet Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) requirements and best practices for accessibility. In addition, new curb ramp details were prepared to address situations staff had encountered that were not addressed by CDOT Standards.

We also conducted a training program on how to approach the design and construction of curb ramps. Training included upfront scoping, typical challenges and pitfalls, and a site visit to walk through how different situations would be approached. The training was well received and led to the development of several white papers within the County.