Hartford Interchange 29 VE Study
The Benesch team performed a Value Engineering (VE) Study for the relocation of Interchange 29 on I-91 NB and the widening of I-91 NB and State Route 5/15 NB towards I-84 EB in Hartford and East Hartford, CT. The project aimed to improve operations at this deficient interchange in order to reduce daily congestion and improve safety.
The team studied the As Given elements, developed proposals for three alternatives, and made five design suggestions. After completing a detailed evaluation of the project, understanding the goals and identifying the various design constraints, the VE team validated four As Given design concepts and several of the specific design components. A presentation was made to the client and a VE report was submitted.
The VE study was performed under Benesch’s five-year task-based services contract to provide constructability reviews, value engineering analysis and other related tasks associated with improving the quality of contract documents as part of the Department’s Quality Assurance initiative.