Jacksonville 2030 Multimodal Transportation Study

City of Jacksonville | Jacksonville, FL
local train

This innovative plan provided a framework to integrate rail, pedestrian, bicycle and roadway transportation planning with land use strategies to combat unsustainable sprawl. The purpose of this study was two-fold: 1) Develop a 2030 Multimodal Transportation Plan that addressed the mobility needs of the City of Jacksonville; 2) Develop a mobility fee structure for new development to replace the existing fair share program administered through the City of Jacksonville’s Concurrency Management System.

Successful completion of this contract required numerous professional services provided by Benesch, including citywide traffic count analysis, determination of impact/mobility fee calculations and land use based credit adjustments, multimodal analysis, implementation of transportation strategies and associated funding mechanisms, preparation of Capital Improvement Element (CIE) costs and priorities for associated transportation projects, and assisting the City of Jacksonville in modifying their 2030 Comprehensive Plan policies.

The final product was a multi-modal transportation improvement plan coupled with Comprehensive Plan land use changes to support transportation options and to encourage transit-oriented development and infill opportunities with an overall goal to reduce vehicle miles traveled, greenhouse gas emissions, and fiscally unsustainable sprawl development through the horizon year of 2030.

A second component of the study was the creation of a mobility fee tied with land use policies to replace Jacksonville’s existing concurrency and fair share system, consistent with the original Senate Bill 360 legislative requirements. The resultant mobility fee structure was designed to include a credit adjustment system for developments that meet location and design-based standards projected to reduce trip generation and vehicle miles traveled and promote mixed-use walkable and multimodal-friendly development.

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