Jersey Creek Watershed Combined Sewer Separation Projects
Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City | Kansas City, KS

As part of the overall $800 million Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Abatement Program, Benesch developed a series of projects aimed at eliminating combined sewer overflow points within the Jersey Creek watershed. Benesch’s John McClannahan served as project manager for all of the design contracts. Project specifics were as follows:
- CSO No. 12 Elimination: This project required the installation of 2,200 linear feet of new storm sewer piping ranging from 15 to 24 inches in diameter to eliminate storm sewer contributions to a CSO discharge point in the vicinity of 18th Street and Troup Avenue.
- CSO No. 63 Elimination: This project required the installation of 3,700 linear feet of new, reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) storm sewers ranging from 15 to 48 inches in diameter to eliminate storm sewer contributions to a CSO discharge point in the vicinity of 21st Street and Haskell Avenue.
- CSO No. 67 Elimination: This project required the installation of 3,300 linear feet of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) storm sewer pipe ranging from 15 to 36 inches in diameter and 350 linear feet of RCP storm sewers ranging from 15 to 48 inches in diameter to eliminate storm sewer contributions to a CSO discharge point in the vicinity of Hickam Drive and Roswell Avenue.
- CSO No. 26 Elimination: To accomplish the elimination of CSO No. 26, located near 16th Street and Troup Avenue, several “green” design options were implemented to permit the downsizing of downstream storm sewers while providing the opportunity to evaluate their effectiveness. Implemented green infrastructure included porous concrete pavement, rain gardens, an infiltration trench and a bio-retention basin. Approximately 700 linear feet of 24-inch diameter HDPE storm sewer pipe was also installed as part of this project.