Flager County Impact Fee Studies

Flagler County Board of County Commissioners | Flager County, FL

Benesch has been providing impact fee and transportation planning services to Flagler County since early 1990s. We have prepared a Transportation Element of the County’s Comprehensive Plan and updated or developed impact fees for county transportation, parks, library system, fire rescue, emergency medical services, law enforcement and public building services. The county ranks among the top 10 counties in Florida in terms of population growth rate.

With limited alternative funding available for additional infrastructure and historically limited use of impact fees in the past, Benesch assisted the County in preparing a list of capital needs for each service area and prepared revenue estimates to identify available funding. Impact fee service areas were aligned with population served as well as interlocal agreements between the County and municipalities.

During the study, new legislative requirements (HB 337) required the team to develop appropriate fee scenarios, which we did successfully. While the County initially opted to postpone adoption of the government buildings impact fee, all other fees were successfully adopted.

