25th Street Corridor & Traffic Signals

The corridor study identified the need to widen the corridor to six lanes to accommodate the recent traffic growth. The study identified safety and traffic operation concerns with the I-94 interchange south ramp intersection.
A Project Concept Report (PCR) environmental document was prepared for the 25th Street widening project. The northbound to eastbound left-turn movement was experiencing poor traffic operation at the south ramp intersection. The south ramp intersection serves the eastbound I-94 off-ramp, and the eastbound on-ramp traffic is served with a loop ramp in the southwest quadrant. The northbound to eastbound traffic must complete a left turn to access the loop ramp. The east leg of the intersection is a local street (18th Street South) and the local street limited the amount of alternatives to consider to improve traffic operation.
A northbound to eastbound slip ramp was the alternative carried forward and would be located just north of the existing restaurant. The new slip ramp would eliminate the northbound to eastbound left-turn movement and would allow the drivers to complete a right-turn movement onto I-94. The PCR included an update to the traffic and noise analysis, and an Interstate Access Revision was completed for the new on-ramp.
Benesch completed the design of the LED street lighting from 17th Ave South to 23rd Ave South. Five traffic signals were designed as part of the project and were completed using the City of Fargo and North Dakota Department of Transportation standards. In addition to the signal design, the design of the fiber interconnect and three surveillance cameras were included in the final plans. Five temporary traffic signals were designed to provide signalization during the roadway widening construction.