Cedar Pointe
Dakota Partners, Inc | Newington, CT

Benesch provided integrated design services for the planning and design of an affordable housing complex consisting of three 36-unit buildings on a previously developed site in Newington, Connecticut.
The site program consisted of site circulation/parking, a town green, community center, walking paths, and a playground. The site presented unique challenges:
- Significant topography and upland review area on the western portion of the site required building locations to be shifted and fencing solutions to be devised to prevent access to the slope and wetlands area.
- Traffic concerns required the design of a school-bus stop at the main entrance. Benesch coordinated with the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) to design a ½-mile sidewalk along Route 175 to connect the site to a CTfastrak station.
- Site topography required Benesch to design an on-site sanitary sewer pump station to enable a connection to the MDC system.
- Benesch designed an intricate stormwater management system—consisting of multiple LID measures, such as rain gardens, level spreaders, and structures with internal bypass measures to enable full treatment of design storms—to comply with local stormwater requirements.
- Site design incorporated environmental remediation measures, which addressed soil contamination issues, and the preparation of construction sequencing that facilitated expedited construction at the same time as the environmental remediation.
Benesch worked closely with relevant agencies and stakeholders to achieve the final design. The project was subject to an extremely complex permitting process, including multiple permitting agencies and related permits.