Kansas Airport Pavement Management System

The mission of the KDOT Division of Aviation is to provide a statewide airport system that meets the needs of Kansas by maintaining and improving aviation facilities, with an emphasis placed on maintaining state-owned runways and taxiway systems. KDOT Aviation was using a dated statewide PCN number system to determine not only the state’s overall pavement condition, but also which airports needed improvements. Benesch was hired to update and prepare a new statewide Airport Pavement Management System (APMS) that would evaluate the functional conditions of all airports in the Kansas that are listed in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS).
Benesch assessed the current and projected functional condition of pavement surfaces and catalogue of pavement distresses as well as operational effectiveness of existing pavements. In the subsequent report, Benesch prioritized rehabilitation and/or maintenance needs at every airport, including optimized timing for pavement rehabilitation projects and recommended pavement maintenance procedures.
The project involved extensive team coordination by Benesch for site condition surveys as well as creating maintenance and rehabilitation plans for each of the 79 NPIAS airports in Kansas. To achieve the objectives of the APMS, Benesch’s completed extensive records research; developed Network Identification Drawings; conducted site condition surveys using mobile GIS equipment, MicroPAVER evaluation and GIS implementation; computed Pavement Condition Indexes (PCI); and recommended maintenance and rehabilitation analyses/plans for each airport.