Main Street & Crystal Lake Avenue

City of Crystal Lake | Crystal Lake, IL
project rendering

The City of Crystal Lake sought to complete previously implemented improvements at the intersection of Main Street and Crystal Lake Avenue. The north leg of the intersection had previously been reconstructed; work completed at that time included turn lanes, street lighting, streetscaping, a new watermain and temporary traffic signals. Due to the postponement of a railroad relocation project near the project site due to inadequate funding, the remaining reconstruction at the intersection was put on hold.

The City later acquired Surface Transportation Program funding to complete the intersection project, and Benesch picked up the pieces to complete the preliminary and final design of this project. Benesch was responsible for coordination with the City, the Illinois Department of Transportation, and impacted stakeholders; field survey; environmental studies; drainage/hydraulic studies; traffic and crash analysis; pavement and soils investigation; utility coordination; permits; Right-of-way including necessary plats, legals, appraisals and negotiations; as well as completion of a Phase I Project Development Report and all necessary milestone submittals during both phases of the project.

The project includes alternative intersection improvements that will meet future traffic demands and was designed to accommodate the requirements of the existing at-grade railroad crossings on the east and south legs of the intersection. Alternate profiles were included for evaluation by the City to improve the transition from the at-grade crossings into the intersection. Two quadrants of the intersection may redevelop and the access and circulation needs of these parcels were incorporated into the development of the alternatives. In addition, the project’s design enhances the aesthetics of the area through the incorporation of a gateway element and landscaping. It also accommodates a regional bike trail.

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