Wetmore Run Dam Feasibility Study & Improvements
The Galeton Borough Authority owns and operates two low-flow dams on Wetmore Run in West Branch Township, Potter County: the Wetmore Dam and the Right Branch Wetmore Dam. These dams impound approximately 0.2 acres each and contain intake structures to supply raw water to the Authority’s water treatment plant. The dams were in disrepair and no longer met standards.
Benesch performed a topographic survey, wetland delineation and threatened and endangered species studies. The existing system components and hydraulic profile were then evaluated to determine feasible alternatives for the collection of raw water. Lastly, Benesch prepared an Alternatives Analysis Report and determined that constructing infiltration galleries within the streambed and removing the dams were the most economical solutions.
Additionally, Benesch completed the design and permitting of the infiltration galleries and the removal of the existing dams. The design also included measuring weirs for by-pass fill and flow meters for intake flow. Permits obtained included a Chapter 105 Joint Permit, E&S Permit, PWS Permit, Water Allocation Permit, and a Dam Drawdown Permit. The removal of the dams improved fish passage for the Eastern Brook Trout, which breed in these waters.
The project was funded by grants from Potter County Community Development Block Grant, Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture and a low-interest PENNVEST loan.