SR 48
Benesch prepared construction plans, specifications and cost estimates for the reconstruction of a portion of SR 48, which begins just east of I-75 and continues for 1.80 miles through the City of Bushnell in Sumter County. This project involved major reconstruction of a two-lane rural roadway to a five-lane divided urban facility with concrete curbs and gutters, bicycle lanes and sidewalks on both sides.
The project included a closed drainage system and the construction of three new stormwater treatment facilities. Stormwater runoff was collected and treated in three basins, each with a new stormwater management pond within each basin. Floodplain compensation areas were coordinated with Southwest Florida Water Management District’s new floodplain requirements.
During the Right of Way acquisition phase, the Benesch Team provided ongoing right of way support and expert witness services. A plans update phase included driveway modifications based on right-of-way agreements and utility relocation/certification required for construction.
This project involved traffic signal modifications to CR 609, West Street and CR 475 (Main Street).