University of North Carolina Charlotte Dickson Gate

University of North Carolina at Charlotte | Charlotte, NC

Benesch created the master plan and developed construction documents for the new main entrance off Highway 49 into the University of North Carolina at Charlotte campus. The design process involved many stakeholders within the University and guided the design to be a more encompassing solution that reflects the University’s image.

The new campus entrance improved over a quarter of a mile of highway frontage along Highway 49 and encompassed fourteen acres. Eight cast stone pylons and new campus signage mark the new entrance.

Large grassed fields with ornamental and shade trees provide a pastoral campus feeling. The open meadows double as multipurpose recreational fields for student athletics and a venue for special events and outdoor concerts.

As prime design contractor, Benesch coordinated the work with an architect to assist in the signage and monumentation design, an outside separate contract for a consultant for Traffic Impact Analysis and traffic engineering, along with electrical engineers and other consultants.

The project also included significant civil engineering and landscape architectural design for streets, roundabouts, and hardscape and landscape areas. All of the hardscape and landscape design was accomplished in-house.

Practice Areas


  • 2009, Award of Recognition, American Society of Landscape Architects - North Carolina
